How Much Is Linkedin Premium?

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February 16, 2023

How Much Is Linkedin Premium?

LinkedIn Premium: Unpacking the Costs and Benefits

LinkedIn is more than a professional social network, it is an essential tool for job seekers, business owners and entrepreneurs. As such, it stands to reason that there is a premium version of Linkedin to make the most of this powerful platform. This article will provide an overview of LinkedIn Premium and its pricing structures, the benefits it offers and how it compares to similar services.

Pricing Structures for Linkedin Premium

With Linkedin Premium, there are four major tiers of service. The basic tier is Career, which costs $29.99 per month and provides access to insights on how to make a profile more appealing to recruiters. The Professional tier goes for $59.99 per month and includes job search filters, the ability to send messages to recruiters, and advanced insights on applicant tracking systems. The Business tier is $99.99 per month and provides full search capabilities, access to unlimited InMail messages, and the ability to post job listings. Finally, the Executive tier is $119.99 per month and adds on executive insights, team profiles, and reference search.

These prices are US based and could alter at any time. Overseas prices differ and fluctuate slightly, however give a solid indication of prices.

Benefits of Linkedin Premium

Linkedin Premium offers a plethora of benefits for its users. It grants access to exclusive content, such as a library of webinars, to help further one's career. It also provides advanced job search capabilities, such as access to hidden jobs, filters to narrow down the search and job alerts to keep the search up to date. The service also includes advanced insights into how recruiters are running their searches. Finally, Linkedin Premium features allow companies to post job listings, connect with professionals, and recruit new employees.

Will LeadMaker campaigns work with LinkedIn Premium? 

Yes, LeadMaker can adapt to any of the premium services you take directly from LinkedIn. Including a basic (free) profile.

Comparison of LinkedIn Premium to Other Services

When comparing LinkedIn Premium to other services, there are a few advantages it has. Firstly, it is a subscription-based service that can be cancelled at any time, providing flexibility. Secondly, it is more affordable than services such as LinkedIn Recruiter or Monster. Finally, its features are robust and offer plenty of value.

Conclusion on LinkedIn Premium Cost

LinkedIn Premium is an invaluable tool for job seekers and businesses alike. While the cost can be significant, the features offered by the service are well worth the investment. The flexible subscription model also allows for users to cancel at any time and make the most of the service for a reasonable price. With the benefits it offers, LinkedIn Premium is an essential tool for anyone looking to take the next step in their career.

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